Louis Bouchard Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to my AI Weekly newsletter, now followed by more than 14'000 AI enthusiasts! I know there are already a lot of newsletters, but this one is different. I will be sharing only news/topic per week, but we cover it from A to Z, from explanation to ethical viewpoints and more, including:
- a video explaining it
- a complete article about it
- the links to the paper, demo, and code (if applicable)
- full references
- some bonus projects I am working on
- AI Ethics segments with experts
If this seems interesting to you, you can subscribe to it here:
Read past issues
Louis Bouchard’s Weekly AI Digest | Substack
Welcome to my AI Weekly newsletter, now followed by more than 11′000 AI enthusiasts! There are a lot of AI newsletters, but this one is different. I share only one piece of AI content (paper explained, interviews...) as information dense as possible. Click to read Louis Bouchard’s Weekly AI Digest,…